MDS is a military school, that considered as one of RMC main units, it is accredited by traffic administration in PSD and JAF.

MDS grants driving permit for vehicles used in JAF.

In 1976 a wing drivers was established within the Prince Hussein bin Abdullah II military technical college.

In 1970 the wing was attached to supply and transportation school.

On 15 july 1976,   MDS was established as one of RMC units.

MDS Duties

MDS holds a driving courses and grants a driving permit for participants who passed theoretical and practical tests.

MDS is considered as the main training unit for drivers and vehicle recovery mechanics.

All courses are programmed annually by joint training directorate/JAF HQ   in coordination with   RMC,  based on:

       ·          JAF  needs for drivers and transportation officers.

       ·          The training facilities and capacity in MDS.

       ·          Entrance of new vehicles to service.

       ·          Enhance and manipulating of drivers weaknesses.


MDS Cources :

Officers courses

·        Traffic safety and awareness for officers.

·        Maintenance and driving.


NCO'S courses.

·        Maintenance and driving for recruits.

·        Maintenance and driving class I.

·        Maintenance and driving class II.

·        Refresher courses for weak drivers.

Specialized courses

·        Motorcycles Maintenance and driving.

·        Basic vehicle recovery mechanic course.

·        Basic forklift Maintenance and driving.

·        class I forklift Maintenance and driving.

Advanced courses

·        4-6 ton vehicles Maintenance and driving.

·        Transportation officers.

·        DAF vehicles maintenance and driving.

·        Saxon vehicles maintenance and driving.

·        Driving instructors.


Tests :

·        Tests for all courses that held in MDS.

·        Test participants of maintenance and driving courses held at JAF units.

·        Test personnel who apply for drivers career.

·        Test personnel who apply for vehicles driving permit.

·        Test motorcyclists and vehicle drivers for class upgrade.

·        Test candidate whom are sended by military recruitment center to recruit as drivers in JAF.

Issuing curricula, notebook, brochures used in training.

Traffic Awareness for military drivers:

·        Participation in seminars that are held at various military units.

·        Holds traffic awareness course for officers.

·        Issuing of traffic rules brochures for JAF units usage.